Preventing and Overcoming Allergies with Traditional Ways

In everyday life we ​​often hear, or even may have experienced the onset of the spots or skin bentolan gatalserta scattered over the surface of the body, while setelahmengkonsumsi a type of food. Complaints or representations as itumerupakan one of the many manifestations of allergic disease yangsering encountered.
Our body has an amazing series of defense mechanisms.This mechanism is designed to maintain our health. One such mechanism is known as the immune system / immune. Briefly the work of the immune system is when a foreign material such as bacteria or viruses enter the body, the body's tissues will identify specific proteins from foreign attackers and create an antidote (a substance) that will only eradicate the special protein was. Bidder for the defense chemicals produced by our bodies are called antibodies. While the foreign protein to be attacked and dilumpuhkannya called antigens.

Defense system was ingenious and successful. The downside is that the body must meet two foreign proteins (antigens) before the system can produce defenses against (antibodies). In other words, we should be attacked first before we can fight. For example, if the body exposed to the measles virus would not be so problematic, but the problem will become complicated / serious if the body is dealing with serious illnesses such as smallpox or diphtheria. Basically, they are safe from such dangerous infections due to immune system / defense of those who work quickly and begin to produce antibodies in no time. So, if the reaction of the body more slowly, they are infected will be out of luck.
Dust, pollen, molds, foods and ingredients that basically no harm can act as an antigen in certain people.These materials enter the body through the lungs or gastrointestinal tract and then breaks into the network, that is where they stimulate formation of antibodies. As a result of the meeting of antigen and antibodies that destroy the tissue in question and cause symptoms / complaints of allergies.
Not all people who develop allergies cause complaints if the amount of antigen is less than the threshold dose. Unless the dose is exceeded, then the body will manifest / allergy symptoms. This antigen may be a number of pollen that the wind is enough to make a cold allergy, to eat several servings of food for several days in a row before symptoms develop. Patients may not be cured by avoiding a material when there is some allergic factor. If someone is allergic to several ingredients at once, whereas only one type of abstinence and still eat the other, of course, will not heal.Everyone can recognize a food allergy reaction when suddenrapid and severe as the patient experienced a serious rash every time-consuming material. But, if the allergy is caused daily diet or occur several times a week, the body becomes accustomed to suffering from food and a faint reaction.Actually, for years or decades illness seemed to disappear, perhaps only occasional relapses when the accident takes too much antigen or the presence of triggering factors such as stress which indirectly lowers the body resistance. Because symptoms are rare reactions occur, then the patient is difficult to determine the cause.Due to decreased immunity, the body no longercan overcome the disease process and symptoms of the disease arises.Form of the disease arising from one person to another personnot the same, depending on which body part is more severely affected.
Certainly a manifestation of an allergic reaction to a personoverall. Symptoms will depend on the function of these organs iscan be stimulated or depressed. An eye allergy attack willcause redness and itching; if attacked would a cold or nasalsneezing; when it attacks the lungs will cause asthma orcough; if attacking the gastrointestinal tract causing abdominal pain,bloating, diarrhea or vomiting; attack the joints cancausing pain and stiffness, if the infected head can causeheadache, if it affects the skin causing eczema,bentol-bentol/gatal-gatal, and so forth.Allergies can occur at any age in both those who haveallergic and non-talent / nonalergik. In children the most oftenfound that asthma bronkiale. While the most common allergensaffects children, namely pollen, house dust, animal dander, salivaanimals, and food.
Prevention tips and avoid the allergens:
Always keep a healthy body and environment.
Move the nest of dust like knick-knacks, books, wall hangings, andso
If you are allergic to animal dander, do not let the hairy beastcame into the room.
Avoid using fabric made of wool or of fine material.
Avoid plants or aquarium that causes mold spores in the air.
Use electric air cleaner to remove dust, mold orpollen from the air.
Replace carpets or heavy curtains that capture and store the dustwith washable curtains and rugs of cotton.
If you are allergic to certain foods, avoid foodscause of the allergen.
The traditional way that can be used to fight allergies are:
15 grams of ginger + 30 cc of white rice vinegar / sugar + rice venegarsufficiently boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, waterfiltered, drunk. Do it regularly once a day.
If an allergy attack, causing a runny nose or nasalsneezing can use the traditional way of the following:
7 leaves of continued life + 30 grams of fresh bitter boiled with 500cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.
Aloe vera leaves taste peeled and juiced. Drops of juicealoe vera into the nose as much as 3 drops using a pipette.
Meanwhile, when an allergic attack the skin causing itchingor eczema may be used:
bitter taste fresh taste of fresh turmeric + sulfur +sufficiently mashed until smooth, then smeared on the skinaffected by allergies.
ketepeng china taste of fresh leaves crushed and rubbed onthe affected skin allergy.
If the allergy attacks the lungs that can lead to asthmause:
10 + flowers knob 10-15 grams of ginger boiled with 500 cc of waterto the remaining 250 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.
Gotu kola leaves 30 grams + 10 grams of garlic boiled with 500 cc of waterto the remaining 250 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.Note: You can use either the traditional way at the top anddo regularly 2 times a day, in doing boilingwe recommend using enamel pan or pot soil.